Saturday, March 21, 2009

I am Offically Banded!

Well yesterday was an interesting day. My husband and I arrived at the hospital at 6 AM after dropping my kids off at my friend's house at 5:30 (thanks girl, you are amazing!) Then they took us (me and two others that were having different surgeries) upstairs and left our SO's in the waiting room. We got dressed in our gowns (these weird purple ones that you can blow up with hot air) and then took us to get settled with our IVs and stuff, I also had to get shot in my stomach to avoid blood clots. They brought my DH back up and we waited a little while before they took me out. They gave me a little bit of meds in my IV to start knocking me out, DH said I looked so relaxed :) Then the last thing I remember is being put in the elevator then into the OR where they made me switch beds, and they gave me oxygen and I was out.

I woke up in recovery to someone squeezing my feet, it turns out its this little machine that squeezes your feet to get blood moving until you can get up and get walking. I was also SO thirsty, but because of the nature of the surgery I couldn't have anything to drink until after I had an upper GI test a few hours later. That was pure torture. After I was in recovery for an hour they wheeled me to my room where DH was waiting. It was so good to see him! And if you have ever been in the hospital before you know that they just don't leave you alone! You are constantly being tested, or poked or asked questions. I got extremely extremely nauseous and they gave me some meds in my IV, that didn't do much. I went down to radiology for my upper GI and they had me drink some nasty stuff, but at least it was something to drink! After that I was clear to drink small amounts of water. During this time DH and I had been taking walks to help get things going again. They say walk walk walk, sip sip sip, so that is what we did. I also had alot of pressure in my chest which is actually gas, that was a bit weird. After a little while I started getting nauseous again only this time, much worse! So they came and gave me a shot in my upper arm, that hurt REALLY bad. The nurse told me that my surgeon had cleared me to go home, but since I was nauseous I had to stay overnight! I was really upset because we hadn't made any arrangements for overnight since the surgery is suppose to me outpatient. We figured it out though and DH got the kids from my friends and took them to my in laws where they stayed the night.

This morning I felt much better and we were allowed to leave around 8:30 am. Now I am home, showered and feeling much better. I have 4 small incisions and one bigger one where the port is. And although I am tired and still in some pain I feel like I have made an amazing decision for not only myself, but for my family. This is going to be a long journey, but one that is going to make a world of difference!

Offical Starting Measurements (taken the night of 3/19/09)

Weight 203 lbs

Neck 15 1/2"
Upper Arms R- 13 1/2" L- 14"
Bust 42 1/2"
Waist 40 1/4"
Hips 49"
Thighs R-22 1/2" L- 22 1/2
(taken 7 inches from mid of knee)
Calfs R 16 3/4" L 16 1/2"
(taken 3 inches from mid of knee)
Ankles R 9 1/2" L 9 1/4"